Time Travel Machine Arriving soon ...?

Human thoughts are touches the height of sky day by day with new and amazing ideas and inventions. Time Travelling is one of the unique concept which is describe in movies and now many people know about by same media. Merely Concepts become vanish in front of reality and time travelling is like that. 

An human brain can only assumes that the time will again came in his life. A way back machine which bring himself in his past or through him forward to future. Concept is very amazing because every wants to go back in past to make correction his Errors or see the future where what happening there in his family, nation or world.

Still Concept ...?
The answer is No! yes, the good news for people of this topic that One of the noble prize winner scientist introduce something so we can say , the keyword starts to next level and become physical too.

The three's company Kip S. Thorne, Rainer Weiss and Barry C. Barish says " a theoretical method for traveling through time. It involves black holes, a wormhole, and the stretching of space and time."

The idea involves creating a wormhole whose two ends are respectively situated near Earth and the surface of a black hole. Because black holes stretch and distort space-time, time moves much more slowly there.

Further said Mr. Thorne, " this is the key: "If you have wormholes then if you move the mouth of one wormhole down near the surface of a black hole time flows very slowly there compared to the rate of flow of time back here on earth. So the two mouths get out of sync. The mouth of the wormhole sits down the surface of the black hole and it sits there with only a few hours passing while up here on Earth a billion years pass."

Thanks for physics-astronomy blog for understanding the concept. 
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